Digitus Information Systems Pty Ltd ("Digitus") is committed to your privacy, and has adopted the "National Privacy Principles" as our policy on all methods of contact available to you with us.
Why do we collect information?
We will collect personal information in the process of conducting business. That personal information may be obtained directly from you, via another contact in your organisation or through a third party who we believe has informed you that your details may be provided to us. We will only store your personal details if they are relevant to your organisation conducting business with us. We do not normally obtain or store information that is deemed by the Privacy Act to be "Sensitive Information".
We store personal information to ensure that we can maintain contact with the organisations with which we do business. This contact may be verbal, electronic or written. The reason for the contact may be to inform, request assistance or to maintain a relationship.
When do we use your information?
The information we collect will only be that which is necessary for the conduct of our business and our relationship with your organisation.
Information gathered by us in one instance may be used in another instance unless you expressly requested that we do not. However, we will only use the information which we receive about you for the purpose of doing business with your organisation or in connection with that purpose.
How do we collect the information?
Where practical, we will only collect information directly from you. If we collect it from another source, we will do what is reasonably possible to inform you that we have collected the information.
How do we store your personal information?
Your information is held either in paper-based records or in electronic form in our databases. We take proper precautions to ensure the security of that information.
If your information is no longer needed, we will either delete it from our systems or de-identify it, so that it cannot be attributed to you personally.
To whom will we disclose your information?
We do not normally disclose your personal information to anyone. If we intend to do so, we will contact you before we do.
How can you check the information we hold?
We will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information we hold is accurate, and we will put into effect any changes that you ask for.
We will disclose your personal information only to be extracted and made available for viewing by you at Digitus office (Note: This will not included any passwords or security relevant information). We will not mail or e-mail your personal information document to you but we will notify you in a timely manner when it is available for viewing at our office.
What about our web site?
If, through a channel of contact, you are forwarded to another site or organisation Digitus is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of that site or organisation.
Our web site uses cookies, which are small amounts of information sent from a web server to your computer. These cookies are used to retain login and state information. We do not use cookies to track your internet activity before or after you leave the Digitus environment. Any activity while you are at our web site may be monitored. No other company has access to our cookies.
More information on privacy legislation is available from the Federal Privacy Commissioner at
Can I get more information about my personal information?
You can contact us at any of the following:
Telephone: +61 2 9993 8000
Facsimile: +61 2 9993 8099
Post: Suite 3002, 100 Miller St, North Sydney, NSW 2060